Healthy Eating Decisions
Parents Students Schools Lunch Menus

Boss' Healthy Buddies

A Nutrition Resource Matched to SC Elementary Education Standards

Second Grade Lessons
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These lessons are designed to be taught first as an introduction to the set:

  • Why Is It Important to be Healthy? - SC STANDARD 2.W.6.1
    Write routinely and persevere in writing tasks over short and  extended time frames, for a range of  domain-specific tasks, and for a  variety of purposes and audiences
  • Introduction to My Plate - SC STANDARD 2.RI.1
    Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
  • Introduction to the Food Label - SC STANDARD 2.RI.3
    Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
  • 5 - 2 - 1- 0 Choosing Your Foods - SC STANDARD 2.NSBT.5
    Add and subtract fluently through 99 using knowledge of place value and properties of operations.

These lessons are designed to be taught in any order:

  • Advertising - SC STANDARD 2.RI.11
    Analyze and critique how the author uses structures in print and multimedia texts to craft informational and argument writing.
  • Calories - SC STANDARD 2.NSBT.1
    Understand place value through 999 by demonstrating that: c. three-digit numbers can be decomposed in multiple ways
  • Carbohydrates - SC STANDARD 2.ATO.3
    Determine whether a number through 20 is odd or even using pairings of objects, counting by twos, or finding two equal addends to represent the number (e.g., 3 + 3 = 6)
  • Cooking Healthy - SC STANDARD 2.W.2.1
    Explore print and multimedia sources to write informative/ explanatory texts that introduce  a topic, use facts and definitions to  develop points, and provide a  concluding statement or section
  • Cultural Influences - SC STANDARD 2.W.4.8
    Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences.
  • Dairy - SC STANDARD 2.W.3.1
    Explore multiple texts to write narratives that recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events; include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings; use temporal words to signal event order; and provide a sense of closure.
  • Differences in Drinks - SC STANDARD 2.ATO.2
    Demonstrate fluency with  addition and related subtraction  facts through 20
  • Farming - SC STANDARD 2.FSS.1.4
    Summarize changes that have occurred in the local community over time, including changes in the use of land and in the way people earn their living.
  • Fats - SC STANDARD 2.MDA.9
    Collect, organize, and represent data with up to four categories using picture graphs and bar graphs with a single-unit scale.
  • Food Safety - SC STANDARD 2.L.5B.1
    Obtain and communicate information to describe and compare how animals interact with other animals and plants in the environment.
  • Fruits - SC STANDARD 2.S.1A.6
    Construct explanations of phenomena using (1) student generated observations and measurements, (2) results of scientific investigations, or (3) data communicated in graphs, tables, or diagrams.
  • Geography of Food - SC STANDARD 2.FSS.1.1
    Identify on a map the location of places and geographic features of the local community (e.g., landforms, bodies of water, parks) using the legend and the cardinal directions
  • Go Breakfast - SC STANDARD 2.S.1A.3
    With teacher guidance, conduct structured investigations to answer scientific questions, test predictions and develop explanations: (1) predict possible outcomes, (2) identify materials and follow procedures, (3) use appropriate tools or instruments to collect qualitative and quantitative data, and (4) record and represent data in an appropriate form. Use appropriate safety procedures.
  • Go, Slow, Whoa Foods - SC STANDARD 2.I.1.1
    Ask self-generated questions   that lead to group conversations, explorations, and investigations.
  • Healthy Desserts - SC STANDARD XX
  • Healthy Snacks - SC STANDARD 2.ATO.2
    Demonstrate fluency with addition and related subtraction facts through 20.
  • Local Food - SC STANDARD 2.FSS.1.1
    Identify on a map the location of places and geographic features of the local community (e.g., landforms, bodies of water, parks) using the legend and the cardinal directions.
  • MyPlate Daily Serving Sizes - SC STANDARD 2.MDA.10
    Draw conclusions from t-charts, object graphs, picture graphs, and bar graphs.
  • MyPlate Protein - SC STANDARD 2.FSS.1.3
    Recognize the features of urban, suburban, and rural areas of the local region.
  • Natural and Processed Food - SC STANDARD 2.RI.11.1
    Compare and contrast structures within texts to locate information and gain meaning.
  • Portion Control - SC STANDARD 2.I.3
    Construct knowledge, applying disciplinary concepts and tools, to build deeper understanding of the world through exploration, collaboration, and analysis.
  • Protein - SC STANDARD 2.NSBT.3
    Read, write and represent numbers through 999 using concrete models, standard form, and equations in expanded form.
  • Rainbow Foods - SC STANDARD 2.RL.10.1
    Use context to determine the meaning of words and phrases.
  • Regulation - SC STANDARD 2.W.1
    Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence
  • Restaurant Food - SC STANDARD 2.FSS.3.5
    Explain the effects of supply and demand on the price of goods and services.
  • Sodium - SC STANDARD 2.NSBT.4
    Compare two numbers with up to three digits using words and symbols (i.e., >, =, or <).
  • Stick to Stickers - SC STANDARD 2.FSS.1.4
    Summarize changes that have occurred in the local community over time, including changes in the use of land and in the way people earn their living.
  • Sugar - SC STANDARD XX 2.FSS.1.5 & 2.MDA.3
    2.FSS.1.5 Identify on a map or globe the location of his or her local community, state, nation, and continent. & 2.MDA.3 Estimate and measure length/distance in customary units (i.e., inch, foot, yard) and metric units (i.e., centimeter, meter).
  • Vegetables - SC STANDARD 2.RL.5.2
    Make predictions before and during reading; confirm or modify thinking
  • Vitamins and Minerals - SC STANDARD 2.G.1
    Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, hexagons, and cubes. Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number of angles or a given number of equal faces.
  • Whole Grains & Fiber - SC STANDARD 2.ATO.2
    Demonstrate fluency with addition and related subtraction facts through 20.